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[Calendrier académique – Academic calendar 2024-2025]

Introducing ESA Saint-Luc Liège School of Art and Design
ESA Saint-Luc Liège School of Art and Design is one of the largest schools of art in Wallonia. Originally founded by the Institute of the Bothers of the Christian Schools, we pride ourselves on a tradition dating back to 1890 that has always promoted an inclusive approach to art. Our school offers courses in the fine arts, in Design and conservation [see course catalogue]. We aim to nourish the skills of our students to allow them to unleash their artistic potential. Though we cherish our catholic roots we welcome all cultures and religions.
This is how we teach
Our students’ programme is built around the “atelier” a hands on workshop module in which students are challenged to bring out the best of their creative abilities. This process is notably facilitated through the informal, dynamic relationship students enjoy with tutors. Our tutors are more than just teachers, they are artists practising their skills on a daily basis, sharing their experience with students. From celebrated comics’ authors to award winning designers, our school boasts an eclectic bunch of creative minds driven by a desire to teach and pass on their skills to the next generation. In other words, ESA Saint-Luc Liège School of Art and Design is a place where people who are passionate about art come together to grow and become recognised professionals in their respective domain. Students of our school have moved on to become recognised artists on the regional, national and international stage (See our #alumni).
Our school offers courses in 10 different artistic disciplines (course catalogue). Yet these specialities do not operate in isolation. We believe that students should benefit from the insight of all the disciplines represented at our school. To promote interdisciplinarity we have created “cours à choix”: elective modules crafted from within the different disciplines taught at Saint-Luc Liège. Incoming mobility students may choose up to three “cours à choix” if they are staying for the full year or two if they are only here for a semester. Please note that places are attributed following a randomised distribution among all eligible students at the beginning of the academic year. Therefore exchange students applying for the second semester will only be able to choose among the remaining modules for the second semester (first come first served).
Language of instruction
Currently, all lessons given at ESA Saint-Luc Liège School of Art and Design are taught in French. For this reason, we require incoming students to have a minimum level equivalent to B1 on the Common European Framework of References for languages.
Notwithstanding this requirement, we always try and accommodate our incoming students as best we can. The way we teach permits a high level of interaction between students and tutors. Most of our tutors can therefore provide assistance (possibly even in English) to Erasmus Students. A knowledge of French is however an important requirement in order to make your time at ESA Saint-Luc Liège School of Art and Designan enjoyable one.
We therefore strongly encourage students to embrace their Erasmus experience and make an extra effort to learn French. ESA Saint-Luc Liège School of Art and Design has an agreement with the University of Liège’s institute for modern languages. Incoming students can participate in French lessons during week day evenings. To top it off, the institute is only located a stone’s throw away from our campus.
Our partners
ESA Saint-Luc Liège School of Art and Design entertains partnerships with institutions accross Europe and beyond. We aim to build lasting relations that provide added value for students, teachers and staff.
Is your institution already a partner? Check our list!
We are open to request for new partnerships and welcome statements of interest for other institutions. Currently, we are focusing on renewing and building new interinstitutional agreements within the Erasmus programme.
For any questions check our FAQ page or get in touch: service.international@saint-luc.be